How many of you have had that sinking feeling as your PC boots up? You know, a slight niggle in the back of your mind that says “this is taking longer than usual” before Windows drops dead in front of you, and refuses to play ball.
Me too, and much of the time the original Windows CD/DVD/USB you used in your original install can’t fix the problem. You need something else. Something like a whole operating system, either installed on a separate partition or in Live CD/USB format. Enter Ubuntu!
There’s a good few reasons to have Ubuntu on a CD or USB stick somewhere in a draw. It’s free, to start with. You don’t need to install it to use it, and it’s great for accessing a butchered Windows partition ““ even if it’s just to get your precious documents back before a format.
When it comes to fixing your broken Windows install then Ubuntu has its uses there too. If you happen to break your registry or master boot record, then fear not ““ all is not lost. This technique should work on any Ubuntu-based Linux distributions.
Čítať ďalej: How To Fix A Corrupted Windows NTFS Filesystem With Ubuntu
<p>sudo apt-get install lamp-server^</p>
V terminaly zadat:
ifconfig <zariadenie> <ip adresa> [netmask <maska>]
Zariadenia si mozeme vylistovat pomocou prikazu ifconfig a moze to byt napr. eth0, wlan0,...
Vymazanie a vratenie sa k standardu mozeme pomocou prikazu ifconfig <zariadenie> default
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak